Walking or Driving in Namma Bengaluru!

As I try to get out of the bubble where I now live, I need to be alert.
Remember watching a video wherein a guru said in a jocular manner
that roads in India make people live in the 'Present'.
The non-resident audience laughed, but it is no laughing matter!

Let me start with definitions from a dictionary! 
*A road is a long piece of hard ground which is built between two places so that people can drive or ride easily from one place to the other.
Drive or ride yes! Easily? No way!

You assume that a road will have footpaths. Not always!
*British:A path for pedestrians in a built-up area; a pavement.
*A path for people to walk along, especially a right of way in the countryside.
As a right of way? It is debatable!

It has been a while I wrote a blog about Namma Bengaluru.  
We have moved into a bubble from a fairly congested part of the city.
 It is quieter but once we cross the border, the nightmare begins.     

We also discovered that this bubble is not a gated community.
The builder has split the bigger bubble into smaller bubbles
 and soon the so-called private roads are sure to become public roads. 
That is another story.

The pictures are from a walk I took 
on the Thanisandra main road next the so called bubble.  
Enjoy the walk!

The builders are conscientious! 
They do their bit for the society at large.
But you are kept off the grass!
If you look closely you see a biker riding in the wrong direction

That is normal! 
 'Double' roads are treated as two independent parallel roads.
More so in the suburbs.

The tiles were removed to clean the rain water drains.
But it will be a while before it is put back.

The cement tiles are so brittle a few crumble leaving gaping holes.
I am too scared to step on the weak tiles. 

Wonder how such shoddy work is tolerated?
We also build Metro and white top the roads using cement!

hile walking in the direction of  the traffic flow,
 I pick my way along the unpaved part!
And on the painted 'white line' while facing the oncoming traffic.
There is a possibility that a biker or a car will do the same .
You need to expect this on namma roads and hope for the best.
What can the city do if trees fall and people throw garbage.
A pedestrian has no choice but to walk on the road


Shobana Velamoor said…
Sad indeed the state of the roads and pavements in India,
not to mention the lack of civility and driving habits of the people!
Interesting blog Nidhi.
Kavitha Saralaya said…
👍👍absolutely like it
its gotten worse with this non functional government that we are forced to live with
N L Sriram said…
Nice to see a new blog, but I think that this is nothing new in Bangalore, or even anywhere else in India! It is just that the magnitude of the problem has gone up exponentially with the population increase and shortage of resources.

The "bubble" that you are referring to, is it the golf course development or the new apartment complex that you have moved to? Perhaps you will find that good old Seshadripuram is the best place to be in when everything is said and done!


Keshi said…
Interesting reading. I noted my comments and I don’t know if it’s there.
Anyway, I had an argument with a biker
riding the side walk on KH road in S’Nagar.
I stood my ground and asked the biker to get off the side walk. Do they care?
It’s not just B’luru. I had the same argument with a biker in Matunga, ‘Mbai. Not a single side walk is free of hazards. How about one
of those ‘ministers ‘ taking a walk to feel the
dangers that a pedestrian faces?
No, they have their cars!
Hello to Tara.
Chandramouli said…
this is NORMAL in most areas that were add-on-110-villages-for-votes and
revenue over ten years ago by State government and
greedy bmp which became b( bruhat)bmp.
Plus Indiscriminate BDA layout expansion for layouts & " selling " sites.
Wise in my view to " return " to KP next April/May.
Prasan Kumar said…
Liked it. What you say is true - unfortunately. Have made a comment on FB.
Mohan said…
Too short.
Love to hear some thing on your golfing ..
N N Satchitanand said…
Bangalore is the most pedestrian unfriendly city in the world


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